Institut für Sprachvermittlung und
internationalen Kulturaustausch

All our courses are taking place in the classroom again, and for participants doing online training this will continue to be possible.
Welcome to the IFS Institut für Sprachvermittlung!
The IFS (Institut für Sprachvermittlung und internationalen Kulturaustausch) was founded by Karin Alexandrowitsch and Karl-Heinrich Frauns in 1978 in Bonn, Germany’s former capital city, and is one of the city’s oldest language schools. Another institute was opened in Berlin in 2000 after the seat of government (and most embassies) moved from Bonn to Berlin.
IFS is an adult education institute and has been offering German as a Foreign Language (DaF), English, French and Spanish language courses for almost 40 years. Group courses (intensive and semi-intensive) and also individual one-to-one tuition are available. Furthermore, IFS offers custom-designed courses for employees of companies and institutions geared towards the particular needs of these establishments.
Classes are held at IFS or the client’s premises. From 1978 until the embassies moved to Berlin, IFS mainly catered for members of diplomatic missions. Since 2000, this focus has passed to IFS Berlin.
Today, IFS Bonn mostly teaches secondary school and university graduates from abroad wishing to take up (postgraduate) studies or gain a doctorate as well as employees of companies and international organisations.
IFS has been a licensed TestDaF test centre since 2002 and has been telc licensed since 2013.